Pezo Von Ellrichshausen

Pezo Von Ellriscshausen Architects was founded in Bueno Aires in 2001 by Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrischausen. It has been ten years since they moved to Concepcion in Chile and that they started exploring the inextricable links between art and architecture. Their architect studio reminds us that the quality of the projects lies, not in the great discourses, but precisely in the smallest details and approximations. Pezo Von Ellriscshausen Architects has won numerous awards such as the Rice Design Alliance Prize in 2012 or the Emerge MCHAP Prize in 2014 amongst others. They also have been chosen to be the Chilean Pavilion curators for La Biennale di Venezia in 2008.

Mauricio Pezo

Born in 1973 in Angol (Chile). Lives and works in Concepcion (Chile).

Mauricio Pezo is graduated from a bachelor in architecture at the Universidad del Bio-Bio (Concepcion) and from a master in architecture at the Universidad Catolica de Chile (Santiago). In 2006, he was awarded The Young Architect Prize from the Chilean’s architects association in 2006 as well as the Art Prize from the Buenos Aires’s municipality.


Sofia Von Ellrichshausen

Born in 1976 in Bariloche (Argentina). Lives and works in Concepcion (Chile).

Sofia Von Ellrichshausen is graduated from the Universidad of Buenos Aires in architecture where she received the Honory Diploma FADU-UBA in 2002.